Abstract Thought
…In Color.
I invite you to discover and explore my many interpretations of the abstracted layers of our complex thoughts, that lead to a whirlwind of emotions, seamlessly woven together in a stunning display of human expression
…with a brush and a spray can.
Latest artwork
Immerse yourself in a world where every piece reflects a unique perspective and reveals something new about the delicate balance between harmony and chaos.
Upcoming Events
Mark your calendar and get ready to immerse yourself in a series of thought-provoking events from exhibitions to workshops, there’s something for everyone to experience and enjoy.
A Few Words About Me
I am a beacon of Love and Light.
I am a multi-faceted individual with a deep sense of purpose and passion for life. As a husband, father, son, friend, teacher, and student, I am constantly growing and evolving, learning from my failures and embracing every opportunity to become a better version of myself. I have a tremendous amount of gratitude for my successes and even more for my failures.
Art is expression of Self.
Any time you express your Self… that is art. Humans are hardwired to create. Creation is the closest we can get to the devine. It is therapeutic in ways that we can’t even fully comprehend. I encourage everyone I touch to pick up a brush, or a pencil, or a spray can and get started. Art doesn’t have to be ‘good’ to be ‘good for you’.
I am a beacon of Love and Light. A lighthouse to guide those who are lost in the fog and help them find their way back to the path of purpose and fulfillment.
Emotions Through Paint
Featured Pieces
“What do you paint?”…Colors and Shapes.
I am on a journey, both in life, and through my art, to push myself into new forms of self expression. I invite you to accompany me while I curiously explore endless avenues of stylistic variations while I develope visual idioms to help make sence of the complex condition of “Being”.
Quick Sand
Heart Sprout
Further information can be found on our website. The link below will take you to a page containing a wealth of interesting and useful information.
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